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Bluetooth Core Specification Deprecation and Withdrawn Plan

From:Shenzhen STS test services Co., Ltd. Hits:5740 Createtime:2017-12-13

Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd.


      The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Shenzhen STS Test Services Co., Ltd. is under license.


Bluetooth® Core Specification Deprecation and Withdrawal Plan


      Core Specification deprecation and withdrawal The Bluetooth Board of Directors(BoD) and SIG want to ensure the highest level of interoperability and quality of implementation. Since the latest Bluetooth specifications are the highest quality, incorporating the latest error corrections and clarifications, on December 19,2017,the BoD agreed on a plan to deprecate and withdraw the following Bluetooth specifications.


Withdrawal of the following on July 1, 2018:

Bluetooth Specification Version 2.0 + EDR.


Deprecation of the following on July 1, 2018 and withdrawal on January 1, 2020:

Bluetooth Specification Version 2.1 + EDR;
Bluetooth Core Specification Addendum 1;
Bluetooth Specification Version 3.0 + HS;
Bluetooth Specification Version 4.0;
Bluetooth Core Specification Addendum 2;
Bluetooth Core Specification Addendum 3 revision 2;
Bluetooth Core Specification Addendum 4。

Deprecation of the following on January 1, 2019 and withdrawal on July 1,2020:

Bluetooth Specification Version 4.1.


      The BoD also decided how deprecated and withdrawn specifications will be treated. Effective July 1, 2018, once a specification is deprecated, it will not be maintained (errata and TSEs will not be processed for that specification), and members will only be permitted to complete Qualifications/Declarations that refer to, or use, existing qualified products that use that specification. Once a specification is withdrawn, it will not be maintained (errata and TSEs will not be processed for that specification), and members will not be permitted to complete Qualifications/Declarations for any product using that specification and will not be able to add new models to existing Qualification/Declarations that use that specification. The BoD also decided to cancel the current policy allowing for qualification of new designs under deprecated specifications for a fee of $25,000, effective as of July 1, 2018.For clarification purposes, none of the above changes the qualification status of previously qualified member products. Nor does it change the ability of members to ship products that have already been qualified to specifications that have since been deprecated or withdrawn. Members are invited to provide feedback to the Bluetooth Board of Directors by submitting a BoD Feedback support request. 

Bluetooth SIG为了鼓励会员逐步弃用蓝牙核心规格旧版本蓝牙标准并转而使用新的蓝牙核心规格版本蓝牙标准以提高互操作性及品质,Bluetooth SIG 董事会于2017 年12 月19 日正式批准了蓝牙核心规格版本标准弃用及撤销计划。


1. 2017 年12 月19 日起执行弃用蓝牙核心标准版本2.0/2.0+EDR;

2. 2018 年7 月1 日起执行撤销蓝牙核心标准版本2.0/2.0+EDR;

3. 2018 年7 月1 日起执行弃用蓝牙核心标准版4.0/3.0/2.1/2.1+EDR;

4. 2020 年1 月1 日起执行撤销蓝牙核心标准版4.0/3.0/2.1/2.1+EDR;

5. 2019 年1 月1 日起执行弃用蓝牙核心标准版本4.1;

6. 2020 年7 月1 日起执行撤销蓝牙核心标准版本4.1。


Bluetooth SIG 同时修改了针对弃用及撤销标准的认证政策,比较之前政策有重大更新,以下新政策于2018 年7 月1 日开始执行:


      取消允许以USD25000 购买Declaration ID用于新设计,基于弃用蓝牙核心规格标准做资格认证的政策。






1. 2018年7月1日起新的蓝牙产品申请资格认证的版本只能是4.1或4.2或5.0版本;

2. 2019年1月1日起新的蓝牙产品申请资格认证的版本只能是4.2或5.0版本;

3. 2020 年1月1日起以4.0及以前版本完成认证的列名不允许再添加新的产品型号;

4. 2020年7月1日起以4.1及以前版本完成认证的列名不允许再添加新的产品型号。


针对Bluetooth SIG政策的更新STS 的专业建议如下:








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