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【FCC干货】FCC ID命名规则

文章来源:深圳市德普华电子测试技术有限公司 人气:6783 发表时间:2017-08-24

1FCC ID的组成


FCC ID=Grantee Code +Product Code


(1)Grantee Code


授权码( 即公司代码以前申请的是3位,现在申请的是5 )﹐对于第一次申请FCC ID的客户﹐首先申请FRN号后﹐再申请Grantee Code(30天内需付费)Grantee Code只需要申请一次。


(2)Product Code


产品代码即申请商自编产品编码(最多14),只能由一系列阿拉伯数字(0-9)、大写字母(A-Z)以及破折号(—)或者连字符(-)三种元素组成,可以只含阿拉伯数字,或者字母,或者是三者的组合;通常我们用产品型号做Product Code


FCC ID的大小:FCC现有的法规没有规定最小高度的要求,但是要求清晰可见。














3FCC ID命名法规网址



Electronic Code of Federal Regulations

§2.926  FCC identifier.

(a) A grant of certification will list the validated FCC Identifier consisting of the grantee code assigned by the FCC pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, and the equipment product code assigned by the grantee pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section. See §2.925.

(b) The grantee code assigned pursuant to paragraph(c) of this section is assigned permanently to applicants/grantees and is valid only for the party specified as the applicant/grantee in the codeassignment(s).

(c) A grantee code may consist of Arabic numerals,capital letters, or other characters. The format for this code will be specified by the Commission's Office of Engineering and Technology. A prospective grantee or its authorized representative may receive a grantee code lectronically via the Internet at http://www.fcc.gov/eas. The code may be obtained at any time prior to submittal of the application for equipment authorization. However, the fee required by §1.1103 of this chapter must be submitted and validated within 30 days of the issuance of the grantee code, or the code will be removed from the Commission's records and a new grantee code will have to be obtained.

(1) After assignment of a grantee code each grantee will continue to use the same grantee code for subsequent equipment authorization applications. In the event the grantee name is changed or owner ship is transferred, the circumstances shall be reported to the Commission so that anew grantee code can be assigned, if appropriate. See §2.929(c) and (d) foradditional information.

In the event the grantee name is changed or owner ship is transferred, the circumstances shall be reported to the Commission so that anew grantee code can be assigned, if appropriate. See §§2.934 and 2.935 foradditional information.

(2) [Reserved]

(d) The equipment product code assigned by the granteeshall consist of a series of Arabic numerals, capital letters or a combinationthereof, and may include the dash or hyphen (-). The total of Arabic numerals,capital letters and dashes or hyphens shall not exceed 14 and shall be one which has not been previously used in conjunction with:

(1) The same grantee code, or  (2) An application denied pursuant to §2.919of this chapter.

(e) No FCC Identifier may be used on equipment to bemarketed unless that specific identifier has been validated by a grant ofequipment certification. This shall not prohibit placement of an FCC identifieron a transceiver which includes a verified receiver subject to §15.101 of thischapter, provided that the transmitter portion of such transceiver is coveredby a valid grant of type acceptance or certification. The FCC Identifier isuniquely assigned to the grantee and may not be placed on the equipment without authorization by the grantee. See §2.803 for conditions applicable to thedisplay at trade shows of equipment which has not been granted equipment authorization where such grant is required prior to marketing. Labelling of such equipment may include model or type numbers, but shall not include apurported FCC Identifier.


4Grantee Code查询


(1)进入网站,输入其中一个申请商公司名称或者Grantee CodeFRN号码点击搜索。


(2)请搜索结果显示申请司GRAUPNER CO.,LTD.Grantee CodeSNL相关信息容




(1)进入网站,第一行Grantee code: SNL,第二行输入Product Code-16005700, 点击搜索


(2)请搜索结果,显示FCC IDSNL-16005700相关信息


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